Does Writing a Book Look Good for College?

As college admissions become increasingly competitive, students seek various ways to distinguish themselves. One unique method is by writing a book, which can significantly enhance a student's college application. This article explores the potential benefits of writing a book for college applications and answers the question, "does writing a book look good for college?" It also offers insights from Tom Soter, a seasoned writer and educator, on how this creative endeavor can make a difference.

Demonstrating Initiative and Passion

Writing a book requires dedication, time, and a deep commitment to a subject. For college admissions officers, a completed manuscript is a powerful indicator of a student's initiative and passion. When considering the question, "does writing a book look good for college?" Tom Soter notes, "In an era where students are encouraged to showcase their unique qualities, writing a book is a testament to a young person's ability to think deeply and independently. It reflects a level of maturity and self-motivation that is highly valued in higher education."

Showcasing Skills and Expertise

Crafting a book is an exercise in developing and refining various skills, from research and writing to organization and time management. These competencies are crucial for college success. A book allows students to demonstrate expertise in a particular subject, whether it's a novel, a collection of poetry, or a non-fiction work on a specialized topic. Additionally, using resources such as an annotated bibliography writing service PaperWriter can enhance the research quality and organization of their work. According to Soter, "The process of writing a book helps students cultivate critical thinking and analytical skills, which are essential for college-level work. It also shows that they can delve deeply into a topic and present their ideas coherently."

Standing Out in the Admissions Process

With the sheer volume of applications, admissions officers are looking for unique aspects that make candidates stand out. While extracurricular activities, volunteer work, and high grades are standard, a published book is relatively rare. For those wondering, "does publishing a book look good for collegee?" The answer is often yes. "Admissions committees are drawn to unique stories," Soter explains. "A book can provide a compelling narrative that differentiates a student from thousands of other applicants, highlighting their unique perspective and creativity."

Enhancing College Recommendations

Writing a book can also positively impact the quality of college recommendations. Teachers and mentors who are familiar with a student's book project can provide more detailed and insightful recommendations. They can speak to the student's commitment, intellectual curiosity, and creative abilities. Soter emphasizes, "A well-written book provides tangible evidence of a student's capabilities, which can bolster a recommendation letter. It gives recommenders specific achievements to highlight, beyond the usual academic and extracurricular accomplishments."

Considerations and Challenges

While the benefits of writing a book for college applications are substantial, it's important to approach this endeavor thoughtfully. Soter advises students to choose topics they are genuinely passionate about, as the authenticity of the work is crucial. "Writing a book is a significant commitment," he says. "It's not just about adding a line to your resume; it's about exploring a subject you care deeply about and sharing that exploration with others."

Additionally, the quality of the book matters. A poorly written or hastily completed manuscript can be more detrimental than beneficial. Soter suggests seeking feedback from teachers, mentors, or even professional editors to ensure the final product is polished and well-crafted.


Writing a book can be a powerful addition to a college application, demonstrating initiative, passion, and a range of valuable skills. For those considering whether "does publishing a book look good for collegee" highlights that it's a unique way for students to showcase their individuality and stand out in a competitive admissions landscape. However, it's essential to approach this project with genuine interest and dedication, ensuring that the final work is a true reflection of the student's abilities and interests.