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Essays on Audio
Audio man: Soter (left) in 1973, 2009.
From 1968-72, rather than play baseball, football, or basketball, my friends Christian Doherty, Alan Saly, Tom Sinclair, and I would assemble and improvise stories, with characters, music, and lots of action. Luckily (or unluckily, depending on your point of view), these stories were recorded – at first on reel-to-reel quarter-inch magnetic tape, later on audiocassettes. The recordings were of spy tales, science-fiction epics, mysteries, even offbeat comedies, with such titles as PLANET OF THE NUNS, MR. DOT: PROFESSIONAL MURDERER, GUN FOR HENRY, T.H.E. HICK, UP THE RIVER, HUCK FINN, and THE ASSASSINS. Here are a sampling of essays that I wrote about the shows for our website on our early endeavors.